Model Railway Exhibition
Friday 30 August - Sunday 1 September
The Greater Waikato Railway Modellers and the Cambridge Town Hall Community Trust are proud to present an exhibition of model railways and related hobbies.
Both large and small model railways will be on display, as well as plastic kit modelling, Meccano, laser cutting and radio-controlled trucks and other vehicles. For budding hobbyists, there’ll be hands on activities and equipment for sale.
Local research into model railways and neurodiverse children will be presented on Friday night. Relaxed, sensory-friendly ‘Behind the Scenes’ tours for neurodiverse people of all ages are running Friday and Saturday (registration required).
Research presentation
Model railways for neurodiverse children Friday 6:30pm
Since opening their rooms to the public and giving youngsters the chance to ‘drive the trains’, the Greater Waikato Railway Modellers have received feedback from parents and carers that this experience appears to benefit children. As a result, postgraduate students from the Waikato University School of Psychology are undertaking preliminary work to document what appears to have been occurring. This could lead to groundbreaking research on how model trains can assist the neurological and cognitive development of neurodiverse children.
Friday 30 August
‘Behind the Scenes’ tour
Sensory-friendly for neurodiverse people, registration required below.
Research presentation: Exploring the potential of ‘playing with trains’ to assist neurodiverse children
Saturday 31 August
Model Railway Exhibition - Open to all
'Behind the Scenes' tour
Sensory-friendly for neurodiverse people, registration required below.
Sunday 1 September
Model Railway Exhibition - Open to all
Register here for a 'Behind the Scenes' tour
Register for a relaxed, sensory-friendly ‘Behind the Scenes’ tour of the Model Railway Exhibition, for neurodiverse people and their families, support people or caregivers.
Adult $5
Child $2
Family $10
Door sales only - cash or EFTPOS