Follow our Town Hall upgrades here!

Health & Safety


  1. The Trust operates a first, second and third pencil system for booking

  2. Bookings/pencils are on a first-come, first-served basis

  3. A deposit of 25% of the booking fee is required to secure your date(s) plus a completed Booking Form and agreeing to our Terms and Conditions within. To avoid the risk of losing your booked date(s), we highly recommend submitting your booking early and prompt payment.

  4. Challenging an existing pencil booking is possible, but only if the first booking is at pencil status and the deposit is not paid.

  5. Deposits are due three months prior to the event

  6. Full payment must be received four weeks prior to your hire date

  7. A bond of $300.00 is required for larger bookings, including parties, weddings, exhibitions/instillations, or other large gatherings. This is at the discretion of the CTHCT. The bond will be returned after an inspection, provided there is no damage, and the hall is left clean and conditions of use have been adhered to.

    a. Access to the Hall will not be issued until the bond is paid. The full bond will be returned after an inspection has been made of the premises following your function. Your bond will not be returned if any damage has been made to any part of the complex, or if the hall has not been cleaned and rubbish is not removed.
    b. Repairs will be made, and the remainder of the bond (if any) will be refunded. If the repairs total more than the bond, an invoice will be sent to you to   pay the remainder.
    c. Bond can be paid through bank transfer to the Trust

  8.  Cancellations and Refunds: If a cancellation is made more than 4 weeks in advance, the deposit is 100% refundable. Cancellations with less than 4 weeks' notice are non-refundable. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.


  1. Hirers, guests and any supplier to their event must be fully out of the hall by 12:00am (midnight)

  2. Hirers are responsible for the set-up and breakdown of their event/function.

  3. One staff member will be onsite for the set-up and pack-down periods, plus the events themselves to ensure compliance with the Hall's rules. This one person will be at no additional cost. However, further assistance with your event can be requested and added to your quote.

  4. Set-up, pack-down and dropping off gear, are to be within the hours the Hirer has booked the hall. 

  5. Hirers may book the venue at the standard rates for set up/pack down if they wish.


The Cambridge Town Hall has a maximum capacity of 500 people due to fire regulations.
The capacity for each space within the Town Hall is as follows:

  1. Main Hall (entire complex): Loose seating for 280, standing capacity for 407, tables and chairs for 200

  2. Victorian Room: Loose seating for 143, standing capacity for 250, tables and chairs for 100.

  3. Edwardian Room: Loose seating for 65, standing capacity for 85, tables and chairs for 50.

  4. The Stage and dressing rooms can be used by arrangement.


  1. Stage and Dressing Room: The stage and dressing rooms can be used by arrangement, but the stairs leading to the stage cannot be removed without permission from the General Manager or Venue Manager for the Cambridge Town Hall

  2. There is ramp entrance on the Lake Streetside for accessibility and deliveries

  3. Kitchen: There are kitchen facilities available

  4. Dancing is not permitted on the stage except by performers as part of a performance/concert.

  5. The stage curtain is locked in a down position but can be raised on request.

  6.  There is no designated parking specifically for Town Hall users, but there is ample parking around the Town Hall and surrounding streets


The Town Hall is not a licensed premise. All sale and supply of alcohol are controlled by the New Zealand ‘Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012’ and the Waipa District Council ‘Public Places Alcohol Control By-Law 2015’

  1. SALE OF ALCOHOL: If the sale of alcohol is to occur a SPECIAL license must be obtained from the Waipa District Council and the Cambridge Police must be notified and approve your event. The application must be filed at least 20 working days in advance (30 days for large functions), can take some time to be processed, and is not guaranteed. This applies to events where alcohol is for sale or where the supply of alcohol is included within a ticket price for the event.

  2. ALCOHOL BEING SUPPLIED: If it is your intention to supply alcohol for consumption but not to ‘sell’ or ‘charge’ for alcohol at the event, then you do not require a Special License. Alcohol may only be supplied and dispensed by the organising entity.

    a. BYO (Bring your Own) is not permitted for individual guests attending
    b. Hirers are advised their responsibility to appoint a responsible person for the supervision of user behaviour in the case of supply of liquor
    c. Food, low and non-alcoholic beverages and drinking water must be available
    d. Transport options must be offered.


    a. There is an alcohol ban outside the Town Hall
    b. If you intend to use the outside areas of the Town Hall including the steps and possession of alcohol is involved (for example, photos and champagne on the plaza or steps) then a dispensation to the Waipa District Council ‘Public Places Alcohol Control By-Law 2015’ must be obtained.


  1. Decorations and displays are only to be attached using the existing picture wire strung above the dado rail. Nothing is permitted to be nailed, pinned, screwed or taped to the walls or floor.

  2. Decorations and displays are not permitted to be attached to any of the curtains.

  3. Hellium balloons are not permitted in the hall.

  4. Any surface damage will be repaired and taken from the booking bond.


  1. The Cambridge Town Hall is a non-smoking area, including vaping. Smoking or vaping is not allowed inside or outside the building.


  1. Please leave the Hall as you found it, tables and chairs stacked away neatly. Kitchen cleaned, carpets tidy (and shampooed if necessary) and floors swept.

  2. Toilets will be professionally cleaned after the event but need to be left in a tidy state. There is a cleaner’s cupboard on the left of the main entrance door which our staff can assist with access to, during your event.

  3. ALL rubbish is to be put in the bin, with bags you have brought to your event, and then emptied by you into the skip behind the hall.

  4. The hall has recycling bins provided. These are to be used by all hirers and their guests, and emptied either during the event (if they are full) or at the end of the event by the hirer.

  5. The Hirer is expected to ensure the recycling bins and rubbish bins are used according to their labels and monitor their guests to ensure compliance. It will be the hirer's responsibility to correct the misuse of the bins, whereby glass is put in the plastic bin, or other such similar occurrences.


  1. The Town Hall has noise restrictions based on the time of day and the type of event

  2. The Town Hall is a classified as a Reserve Zone and as such, noise from events held at the Town Hall, may not exceed the following limits, as measured within the boundary of any adjacent properties.
    a. Monday to Saturday (7.00am-10.00pm): 55dBA (Leq)
    b. Sunday and Public Holidays (8.00am to 8.00pm): 50dBA (Leq)
    c. At all other times: 40dBA (Leq)
    d. No single noise event between 10.00pm to 7.00am Shall exceed the following: 70dBA (Lmax)

  3. The noise levels shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the requirements of NZS 6801:2008 – Acoustics – Environmental Sound and assessed in accordance with NZS 6802:2008 – Acoustics – Environmental Noise.

  4. Activities that fail to comply with this rule will require a resource consent for a discretionary activity

  5. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that noise levels arising from Hall activities (including the use of PA systems, amusement devices, bands etc) comply with the restrictions above and that local residents, or other events nearby (such as at Victoria Square) are not disturbed

  6. Contact Waipa District Council for further information

  7. If Noise Control Officers are called to an event in response to a noise complaint, any requests that they make must be cooperated with immediately and in full.


  1. A significant future upgrade of the Hall has been allowed for in the Waipa District Councils 10 Year Plan, but the nature and timing of this upgrade has not yet been determined. Other, more routine, maintenance will be scheduled between organised event bookings of the Hall.

  2. In the event of the Hall being closed for maintenance and repair, it is the Cambridge Town Hall Community Trusts (CTHCT) policy to give one month’s written notice prior to the closure.

  3. However, if the closure for maintenance is unexpected or for emergency works, the CTHCT has the right to close the Facility immediately for such maintenance and repair. In each event the CTHCT will notify the Hirer at the earliest opportunity.

  4. In such an event, all booking fees will be returned to the Hirer.

  5. CTHCT reserves the right to cancel any Hire at any time prior to the Hire commencement or shorten the Hire should the management or the CTHCT have reason to believe that the Hire will adversely affect the smooth running of the Town Hall, the safety of the Hirers, or tenants (DCI’s business or any other business), other hirers, security, or reputation.

  6. If the Hire is cancelled in this way, the Hirer indemnifies the CTHCT in respect of any claims made regarding the liability or loss of incidental or consequential to the cancellation or shortening of the Hire.


  1. The Hirer is financially responsible for any damage or breakages to the Town Hall premise or equipment by the Hirer or their guests, contractors or other persons associated with their event.

  2. CTHCT will accept no responsibility for damage to or loss of property or merchandise left in the Cambridge Town Hall during your period of hire and set up and break down of the event.

  3. The Hirer is responsible for arranging insurance cover for any property or products bought to the Town Hall for the event. The Hirer is responsible for arranging public liability insurance for their Event.


  1. The “Cambridge Town” Volunteer Fire Brigade siren is located on the roof of the Cambridge Town Hall. A series of 3 long sirens will sound, then stop. You do not need to evacuate the building when this siren goes off unless the call is related to the Town Hall.

  2. The Town Hall has its own fire alarm, which when activated will ring and you will be advised by an electronic voice to “Please Evacuate the building from the nearest exit”

  3. If you are not familiar with the Town Fire Siren vs the Town Hall, please discuss this with us.

  4. It is important to know the difference for the safety of all parties.

  5. If the fire alarm at the Town Hall activates, call 111 immediately, as alarms do NOT trigger an automatic call to the emergency services.


  1. If your event is a youth event, police notification is required and full parental supervision for the entirety of the event. If alcohol is present, security (by an approved firm) will be required, and further criteria may need to be met - please discuss with us.


  1. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to provide all security for your function inside and outside of the venue. However, where alcohol is being served, Security services may be required, and this will be at the discretion of the CTHCT.

  2. Security services are to be organised by the Hirer and approved by CTHCT.

  3. You may be required to provide paid security staff inside and outside the venue (parents/caregivers are not trained security staff).

  4. It is at the Hirers risk if they wish to leave equipment and items of value in the Town Hall overnight, during their hire period, or items waiting to be collected. The CTHCT takes no responsibility for the security of a Hirers or sub contactors equipment whilst in the Town Hall. Please check that all doors are locked when you leave.

  5. You will be charged a call-out fee if doors are found unlocked and staff or security are required to come in and lock doors after you.

  6. The Hirer will be held responsible for any damage that occurs in the Town Hall during their Hire, including set up and break-down. The designated Health and Safety Manager for your function is required to stay on site until the guests/staff/customers depart. There can be more than one person compete the Health and Safety induction.

TOWN HALL PIAZZA (Tiled area in front of Town Hall steps)

  1. Cars are permitted onto the Plaza, by arrangement, for UNLOADING or LOADING only. Parking may be permitted for special occasions, but only by prior arrangement. A key for the bollards can be obtained from the CTHCT once approval has been given.

  2. No vehicles to be parked on grass areas around the town hall.

  3. Trucks are not permitted onto the Plaza area for the unloading of deliveries. Deliveries can be made through the side entrances. There is a loading bay that can be used by the Hirer on the Lake Street side of the Hall.


  1.  If any lost property is found or handed into the CTHCT, it will be held onsite for the Hirer to collect. The CTHCT will endeavour to contact the Hirer to inform them of the lost property found.

  2. Property will be kept for 3 months maximum at the Hall. In some instances, if the owner cannot be found, it will be handed in to the local Police Station.


  1. The only permitted signs are free-standing sandwich boards or flags at the front of the Hall.

  2. No signage is to be attached to the surrounding trees, street signs or building.

  3. Arrangements can be made for a banner to be hung across Victoria Street. Please see iSITE staff for schedule and booking details.


Animals are by permission only, allowed in the Town Hall, unless they are assistance animals. No animals are to be loose in the Town Hall.


  1. Both the Hirer and CTHCT will act in good faith to take all possible measures to ensure prevention and minimisation of complaints.

  2. CTHCT will use their best endeavours to resolve all public complaints satisfactorily, as soon as practicable after receipt.

  3. If you have a complaint, please advise the CTHCT Staff at your earliest convenience. A record of your complaint will be taken and will include, but not be limited to:

    a. complainants full name, and contact details – preferably phone and email
    b. date and time complaint received and how it was received
    c. nature of the complaint; and
    d. action taken to respond to /resolve the complaint

  4. CTHCT will maintain a Town Hall Complaints Register that includes all of the above information.

  5. The Council Town Hall representative will be notified in the event of any serious public complaints received as soon as practicable after their receipt.


  1. If for any reason you require contractors or sub-contractors to perform work at the Town Hall for your Hire – this must be prearranged.

  2. It is a requirement of the current Health and Safety legislation that everyone maintains a safe workplace and your contractors and sub-contractors are no exception to this rule.

  3. Please check with us to ensure that the contractor(s) you wish to engage are included in the Waipa District Councils approved contractors list before they perform any work for your event.


  1. The Hirer shall ensure that all media requests, regarding the Town Hall are referred to the CTHCT with no further comments.


  1. CTHCT and the Hirer shall comply with the provisions of all relevant statutes, ordinances, regulations and by-laws relating to the management, control and administration of the Hall, and will also comply with the provisions of all licenses, requisitions and notices issued by any Competent Authority in respect of the Hall or its use by the public or other users.

  2. Under no circumstances shall a Hirer/Associate or any person sleep within the Cambridge Town Hall or anywhere on its premise – by order of the Waipa District Council

The Cambridge Town Hall Community Trust reserves the right to change or add to these terms and conditions from time to time for legal, safety or other substantive reasons or in order to assist the smooth and safe operation of the Cambridge Town Hall. The CTHCT will send you notice of any such modifications.